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#my team-mate~ case presentation about acute bronchiolitis patient |
staffness mula2 tuh cm kerek gak, tp lama2 bila k.org dh baik ngn h/o and m/o trus staffness br nk lyn k.org hahaha dia kene cm main tarik tali ngn staffness nih.. xley terlalu berharap or merayu kt staffness cuz nnt d.org cm wat kerek zzz so bila k.org dh mls nk mtk tlg d.org baru laa d.org cm reasonable skit hahaha k.org jumpa rmi h/o tp yg terror h/o from UM la.. perghh present case dpn specialist xtgk notes pun even d.org kene igt 6 patients with various complaint and management *impressed* and penah gak tgk h/o kene mrh dgn specialist fuhh menusuk kalbu, trus terbayang diri nih kt tmpt d.org.. tp specialist mrh tuh sbb mmg slh d.org gak la.. deal ngn pt kene take every single thing seriously laa kan, so bila kene mrh tuh take it positively..
first few days masuk ward dh kene diarrhea hehe pastu selsema and batuk sepanjang bulan pose kot, lama tuh.. cuz byk case bronchiolitis, pneumonia, asthma, the kids plak suka terbersin kt k.org laa, pastuh nk dukung smua mmg transmit skali virus n bacteria tuh kt k.org laa kan haihh pastuh setiap kali nk mkn sure cm basuh tgn bersih2 hahaha skg br amik berat about bacteria n virus infection =P
malam pun kene dtg ward if on call or if esok pagi2 dh ad bedside teaching.. masing2 kene prepare clerk one case and present time bedside teaching, some doctors ask for the volunteer who wanna present or some doctors like to pick anyone randomly.. so setiap kali ad bedside sure cm nervous hahaha 1st time kene present case tuh mmg xkeruan laa, takut ad info yg xcukup heee, ak dpt dgn Dr. Eileen hee dia baik je tp ak cara dia lain skit, dia nk kita present case like a h/o hehe so dia tegur byk gak laa, dia xtengking2 pun tp ayat2 dia perghh menusuk kalbu, down kejap hee, ayat dia plg terkesan smpi skg "is it ur first time see the pt" i was like "no doctor, i clerk pt everyday" sedih kot specialist ckp cmtuh, haihh the nxt day trus xde mood nk clerk pt heee..tp pas kene tegur cmtuh trus cm every weekend i try to present one case to my sis or her husbnd as they are m/o too.. act bila kene tegur cmtuh br kita tersedar n smgt nk buat btul2 haha
clinic pakar kat hospital pun k.org kene g gak.. satu bilik tuh bley 2 students je.. act byk gak blaja kat clinic nih.. test our knowledges in ward hahaha, doc suka main soal2 skit so before g clinic kene prepare la skit if xnk rs loser sgt if doc ty soalan =P my 1st clinic session pegi with k.mira dpt 5patients yeay!! with dr.victoria, 2nd session pegi ngn asrul dpt 5patients gak with dr.malini. bila xdpt jwb soalan doc tuh br laa kita tau knowledge yg kita igt smpi mana, then blk tuh stdy laa or since ade ipad cr dat info on the spot laa hehehe
yg best duk sg buloh nih plus ad kete so bila stress bley g tempat mkn yg best2 hehehe and trust me, effah xgemuk pun hahaha.. slalu pegi OU, the curve, ikea, ekano, sunway pyramid, empire =P makan2 je, shopping jarang kot except time nk dkt raye hari tuh..
exam end posting on last wednesday 5/9/2012 fuhh seriously susah oral exam nih, kene fikir cepat2 with soalan yg byk hmm clerk pt and do physical examination 1hour, then present in 30minutes mmg rushing laa, in 30 minutes nk present dat case tuh plus kene jawab soalan doc lg.. its like bley fikir in 3seconds..tuk jawab.. 1st experience kot.. at least kalo written exam if xdpt jwb one qus\estion bley skip dlu then nnt ley jwb blk, nih oral exam mmg xdpt jwb dats it next ques plak.. "xpe kalo nk jd doc senang sure smua org nk jd doc kan" hee nk sedapkan ati =P pastu on friday ada osce with 5 passive stations.. each station 5 minutes, nk jwpn yg kene explain plak tuh adeh ada satu station tuh xsmpt nk jwb smua =( .. xpe bende dh lepas, tawakal for the rest =)
last day end paeds posting exam~ still nmpk risau kan, not that much relief ^_^ |
yg plg best ikut ward round prof MAR and dr.Shazli cuz dpt belajar byk benda.. m/o pun cool jee especially dr.fahitah hehe, my next posting will be surgery.. hope i can do better ^_^
p/s~ yg scary nye paeds posting nih time exam cuz mmg well known rmi yg x pass posting nih laa, then ada datuk RKR a malay lady yg sgt garang and if 5 students exam ngn dia only one yg akan srvive aka pass, pfffttt ari tuh my colleagues 3 org dpt datuk as examiner, all 3 of them nangis after exam.. smpi pt yg pujuk my friends tuh, ade sorg ibu tgh susukan anak dia terketar2 bila tgk my friends kene mrh ng datuk.. she scolds student in front of the pt ok.. xpe 5th year nnt br ad jmp paeds blk =D
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x-paeds posting student hehe pasnih xperlu dh bwk those toys g ward =P |
*please do pray for my friends and I pass this long case exam ^_^, bismillahi tawakaltu alallah