alhamdulillah, syukur sangat2 i have pass my professional pre clinical year exam.. it tests us all 7subjects from 1st till 2nd year syllabus.. so far this is the hardest exam.. so far ok.. after this my clinical life will be more tough hmmm i believe in one thing
when Allah has bring me to it and i have choose this journey so Allah will always be with me to go through it.. insyaAllah.. yup i am happy right now.. sangat lega.. cuz i felt like i have been tortured at about 3days directly with this exam..hanya Allah yg tau betapa susahnye pro exam nih.. thanks to junior hahaha nih smua sbb korg wat hal, pro exam jadi susah but i am sure ada hikmah smua nih berlaku..
even though most of us pass but there are 4 people who failed.. sedih laa jugak cuz kalo bley 235 grad same2 nnt.. but we always pray for these 4 people to do well in remedial exam.. chaiyok2!!
sem4 nih seriusly byk kenangan.. and w.pun pro exam nih susah tp i learnt one thing about a team work.. each of us try to share all the spot questions although xbyk yg masuk tp at least yg masuk jugak tuh bley laa jawab kan..=)
"each of us in medicine is a player for a team, everyone has their role to make their team succeed by cooperating with each other" so this july akan berpindah ke sg.buloh for clinical year..pejam celik pejam celik dh masuk 3rd year dah.. time flies~~
2nd year nih byk session with my pbl group =) i'll introduce one by one
Dr Renu~ our pbl lecturer.. she is beautiful, caring, dedicated and smart lecturer.. you inspire us to do well in our study =) p/s~ the blue paper bag is the special gift from us to doctor =D |
eden~ bila dh kenal sorg sike bercerita, suka amik gambar, xsuke pompuan pki shawl haha, baik hati slalu bg choc kat ak.. suke bertanya expecially time sgs pharmaco =P |
burhan~ A* student hehe.. jgn wat history taking after him cuz he did very well, perfect hahaha .. he is gentleman, smart and suka kaco org and kalo gelak kan org mmg nombor satu =P |
amer~ dr renu said he is handsome hahaha.. very determined in his study, like to play volleyball.. for me he is cute and childish..along amer =P |
ami~ gorgeous hehe.. plg rapat dlm pbl ngan ami laa.. plg rajin, ak plg ske wat keje ngan ami laa =) she is cool |
fieyla~ smart girl.. suka wat keje pathology ngan dia hehe.. plg byk bg info dlm pbl session.. sgt baik =) favourite quote "mane ada fieyla xtau laa jawapan dia" padahal penuh ilmu di dada =P |
JD~ comel..mawi minat dia hahaha kidding, she is matured.. penggerak dlm pbl kot =P her favourite quote "org yg innocent xkan mengaku dia innocent" |
shima~ cool..sng nk bg cooperation |
fadiah~ another one person yg suke bg byk info dlm pbl.. very informative =) |
shida~ chaiyok2 shida u can do it.. do ur best and please dont give up |
last but not least is me hehehe |
the boys |
the girls |
here our team work tadaa =P
dinner with pbl team |
bed side teaching at selayang hospital |
lab at uitm kampus selayang |
library in selayang campus |
cuba teka sape makan plg banyak cake nih?? mestilaaa amer kan kihkihkih |
last pbl session =( burhan is not in the picture because he had a date with his roomate hahaha |
pbl group 13 always in memory..thanks for being an awesome..yup each one of you..=)
p/s~ love you guyz fillah..goodluck in clinical year =D until we meet again insya Allah
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