Monday 28 February 2011

when we are not ready yet....

"Jubayr ibn Nufayr reported that Mu’adh ibn Jabal said, “If you love someone, do not quarrel with him and do not annoy him. Do not ask others about him, for the one you ask might be his enemy and thus tell you things about him that are not true and thus break you apart." ~~hadith bukhari

be humble ^^

do not deceive urself into being too proud b'cuz u r in good/righteous environment, for there's no place dat's bttr than paradise..n our father Adam xperienced there wat is known to all. do not become proud merely b'cuz u worship often, for consider wat happen to iblis, after he spent a great deal of time worshiping. do not think urself great b'cuz u've met wif righteous person, for there's no men more righteous than de rasulullah, yet de disbelievers and hypocrites did not simply benefit by knowing him~~hasan basri (rahimullah)


Suatu hari Umar Bin Khattab r.a. bertutur kepada sebahagian sahabatnya;

Aku berwasiat kepadamu enam perkara :

Jika engkau menemukan cela pada seseorang dan engkau mahu mencacinya, maka cacilah dirimu. Kerana, celamu lebih banyak darinya.

Bila engkau hendak memusuhi seseorang, maka musuhilah dahulu perutmu. Kerana, tidak ada musuh yang lebih berbahaya terhadapmu selain perut.

Bila engkau hendak memuji seseorang, pujilah ALLAH s.w.t.! Kerana, tiada seorang manusia pun lebih banyak dalam memberi kepadamu dan lebih santun lembut kepadamu selain DIA.

Jika engkau ingin meninggalkan sesuatu, maka tinggalkanlah kesenangan dunia. Sebab, andaikata engkau meninggalkannya, bererti engkau terpuji.

Bila engkau bersiap-siap untuk sesuatu, maka bersiaplah untuk mati. Kerana, jika engkau tidak bersiap untuk mati, engkau akan menderita, rugi penuh penyesalan.

Bilamana engkau ingin menuntut sesuatu, maka tuntutlah Akhirat. Kerana, engkau tak akan memperolehnya kecuali dengan mencarinya.”

Friday 25 February 2011

only true friend doubles the joy and divides the pain

Hafidh Ibn Katheer, commenting on this verse, relates a story on the authority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) and says that any friendship for other than Allah is turned into enmity, except what was in it for Allah the Mighty and Majestic:

“Two who are friends for Allah’s sake; one of them dies and is given good news that he will be granted al-Jannah, so he remembered his friend and he supplicated for him, saying: ‘O Allah, my friend used to command me to obey You and to obey Your Prophet (saws) and used to command me to do good and to forbid me from doing evil. And he told me that I will meet You. O Allah, do not let him go astray after me, until you show him what you have just shown me, until You are satisfied with him, just like You are satisfied with me.’ So he is told: ‘Had you known what is (written) for you friend, would you have laughed a lot and cried a little.’ Then his friend dies and their souls are gathered, and both are asked to express their opinions about each other. So each one of them says to his friend: ‘You were the best brother, the best companion and the best friend.’

And when one of the two disbelieving friends dies, and he is given tidings of Hellfire, he remembered his friend and he said: ‘O Allah, my friend used to order me to disobey You and disobey Your Prophet, and commanded me to do evil, and forbade me from doing good, and told me that I would not meet You. O Allah, do not guide him after me, until you show him what you have just shown me and until you are dissatisfied with him just like You are dissatisfied with me.’ Then the other disbelieving friend dies, and their souls are gathered, and both are asked to give their opinions about each other. So each one says to his friend: ‘You were the worst brother, the worst companion and the worst friend.”

p/s~ insya allah kte kwn sampai syurga :))

Andai masih ada hari esok....

wed..10am my mum dpt call yg my aunty (adik kpd arwah abah) tgh nazak.. then my mom suh la my uncle htr my aunty yg tenat tu g hospital but then they refused cuz bg mmg xde hrpn.. yg dgr nih rs cm nk ckp je.."hbs tu nk biarkn mati? kte nih selagi bley berusaha..wat je la..kte bkn allah tau ajal die ble..yg pntg ikhtiar" hmm xbrani pun ckp cm2 tkt atuk kck ati kan (org tua mmg cmni).. my mum pun call la smua.. along yg kat seremban, abg lan yg kat HKL, sib baik angah x g teaching lg..abg raja yg kt bangi.. haa dgn adam nye kt umah penjaga die.. then yg kt umah pack kan brg2 haih mmg cm emergency gle laa..end up byk gak yg tertggl hehehe xpecially toiletries

k2 serius ek..ble abg lan smpi je umah..ty mak mcm2..nape xhtr hospital? nazak mcm mane?
my mum ckp~ "tercungap2..mulut dh berbuih2..mate xley bkk"..
abg lan ckp~ "mmg laa tercungap2. it could not be normal sbb lung die pnh dgn tercungap2 yg cmne? how can they define nazak if xnk htr g hospital?..xfhm la lan mak"
my mum lak ckp~ "lan, mane la mak tau..jap mak ty blk
abg lan~ yg pntg skg mak suh htr g hospital
my mum pun call lg skali tp still they refused to go to hospital..
abg lan~ mane bley cm2..bla..bla..bla
ak~ abg lan kene fhm...they are not really been exposed about all these kg mane nk percy sgt doctor, hospital smua tu..dh laa kte blk je n tgk cmne..ok eee ssh btl ckp dgn doc nih..
abg lan~ heh heh 

then fetch up along kt R&R serdang..along call my aunty yg lg sorg suh call je ambulans amik my aunty yg tenat tu kt umah..atuk nk mrh, mrh la..heee my along mmg brani.. smpi2 je umah atuk, my aunty yg skt tenat tu dh g msk emergency.. so pun g la hospital muar tu...tggu punye tggu...then doc pggl waris msk..along pun msk dgn ank aunty yg skt tu..
*kesedaran score ~ 4/15 mmg kritikal.. then doc tgh tggu sm ade kene intubate or incubate (ade xsure la plak hee) ke x..then doc ckp "D.I.L" death in line..xley wat pape dh..dh terlambat..tissue smua dh damaged.. cuz history die ade congestive HF (heart failure), pulmonary edema( paru2 berair), kidney failure, diabetes, high bp(blood pressure) same ade nk stay kt hospital or blk umah..kalo stay pun xley wat pape dh.. even nk incubate pun chance sgt2 tipis die akn kembali normal..jst pnjgkn nyawanya tuk beberapa hari je..but die still unconscious, paralyse..its like non functioning..only jst let her breathing..

then bwk blk umah..kul 10pm cmtu tgk mmg nazak dh..tarik nafas pun xsmpi..ble hembus pun dh start bc yaasin smua..the tgh2 ak bc tu, aunty ak tu dh bunyi "krohh" ble die breathing..(nyawa dh smpi halqum) lower limb dh sejuk dh..kaki pun dh pucat.. sedih sgt..:(( ble tgk insaf.. ak nih xtau lg cmne ak mati nnt

sahabatku...mati itu benar, sakaratulmaut tu sakit sgt..sdgkan ble izrail cabut nyawa rasulullah pun, rasulullah berpeluh2 thn kesakitan..nih kan kte manusia biase yg hy hamba allah dan umat rasulullah s.a.w.. masha allah.. sakaratulmaut tu bkn sepantas kilat dr hjg kaki hgga ubun dan ditarik kuar..lame rasanye..bergantung pada amalan kte..w.pun izrail cuba tarik nyawa rasulullah sebaik mgkn tp kesakitan tu masih terasa..sehinggakan rasulullah mtk biarlah die tggng rs kematian umatnya..subhanallah ikhlasnye cinta rasulullah s.a.w pada kite...~

11.50pm, my aunty meniggal dunia..inalillah..

dlm kete on our way back to hotel..
angah~ along, effa cmne kte nk kekalkn rs insaf nih setelah tgk sakaratulmaut n kematian?

along~ angah, even ak yg slalu tgk org nazak, ak wat CPR, then meniggal dunia..i've seen a lot but it was never a good feeling at all...mmg rs insaf sgt..then a few days later kte lalai..hmm manusia mmg pelupa..allah had said in surah an-nas

angah~ tu la along dlu sblum khwn slalu sempat nk bc kan yaasin tuk arwah skg..hmm ak sedar ak lalai ble allah kurniakn sedikit kesenangan i.e adenya suami, anak, korg smua...dunia nih mmg melalaikn

me~ hmm dlm quran kan ade sebut lbh kurg cmni lah.. allah uji manusia dgn kesenangan dan kesusahan tp kebanyakan kte nih, ble sng lupa nk bersyukur kt allah, ble ssh br terigt kt allah..hmm ak pun slalu je lalai..iman manusia  nih bertambah dan kurg sbg fitrah manusia kte nih pelupa..btl ckp along kte jgn la slalu jd kan tuh sbg alasan..doa la byk2..insya allah

abg raje~ sbnrnye ble kte dlm sakaratulmaut..syaitan akn dtg uji kte dgn bg air..cuz mmg kte akn rs haus ble nk mati nih..slalunye syaitan akn menyerupai sumone yg tlh meninggal duni dan org tu amat kte syg..cnthnye mak la..kalo kte minum air tu..nauzubillah min zalik..kte mati dlm kekufuran..

me~ ooo effa pnh dgr gak

 hmm today i find this..
"Dan apabila Kami beri manusia merasai sesuatu rahmat, mereka bergembira dengannya (sehingga lupa daratan); dan jika mereka ditimpa sesuatu bencana disebabkan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan mereka sendiri, tiba-tiba mereka berputus asa. Mengapa mereka bersikap demikian?) dan mengapa mereka tidak melihat (dengan hati mereka) bahawa Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (sebagai cubaan adakah orang itu bersyukur atau sebaliknya), dan Ia juga yang menyempitkannya (sebagai ujian sama ada diterima dengan sabar atau tidak)? Sesungguhnya hal yang demikian itu mengandungi keterangan-keterangan (yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang beriman." (Surah Ar-Rum: 36-37)

the day nk kebumikn jenazah..
it was my first n precious xperience when i got involved dlm mandikn jenazah.. sbb time arwah abah dlu adik beradik xberkesempatan nk mandikan jenazah arwah abah..sbb org lelaki yg time tu still tgh shock...and seperti biasa ak sk tgk persiapan kapan smua sampailah dikebumikn.. time mandi tu gune sabun buku yg special la utk mayat..pas2 tgn kene sarung ngan kain spy time nk membersihkan jenazah tu, arwah xrs skt..sugi lak tuk bersihkan mata, mulut, idung, telinga, ubun2 n celah2 jari tgn n kaki..nk kerinkan jenazah gn kain batik lepas yg dh gune spy sng nk serap air then kain kapan tuk pompuan 5lapis cm tu rs nye..yg pntg lg byk dr laki, setiap lapis kain tu taburkn serbuk kayu gaharu..pas2 percikkan air mawar tuk bau wangi laa.. ikatan plak jgn ikat mati..jst ikat cm bese..muka mmg terbuka la kn cuz nnt dlm kubur jenazah mengiring dan muka akn dihadapkn ke kiblat.. tp yg my aunty nih..ak xdpt g kubur pun cuz terpks jg adam..mak die sibuk kemaskn umah heee

blk je umah ptg smlm smua org pakat rht..tdo smua xpecially the two drivers..ehem abg lan effah xnyenyak tdo dlm kete smlm k..xley laju lagi ke bwk tu..huh follow kete dpn punye la dkt pas2 wat ala2 emergency break ohh male kan mmg xsdp bdn la cm nk demam...penat sgt kot..ari ni smua bgn lewat kot..msg2 kelam kabut nk g keje..abg lan trus amik cuti kot..pemls btl.. haa along pun skip satu lecture pg nih, abg raja pun cr alsn xnk g keje..angah lak emergency leave la konon ari nih...hahaha korg2 penat sgt ye family dh jarang dgr radio era, hot fm, xfresh fm smua tu..msg2 ade usb kat kete msg2 dgr lagu maher zain..zikr..zain bikha..nasyid..:)) kalo xsblum nih kete my mum je psg ayat al-quran, dgr IKIM fm heee..alhamdulillah we find peace through those al-quran verses, zikr, and songs..well dgr lagu2 cmni kte still up2date..xpecially update our iman ^^

p/s~ andai masih ade hari esok..ya allah kurniakan lah kami senantiasa memperoleh nikmat islam dan iman dariMu...ya allah andai masih ade hari esok buat kami..kekalkanlah rase keinsafan ini bersama2 dgn nur hidayahmu yg memancar2 dlm hati andai tiada hari esok buat kami, matikanlah kami dlm iman dan islam..amiin

Tuesday 22 February 2011

yup.. it is you

i'm so grateful cuz i met u..alhamdulillah..surely allah had sent u to me so that i can realise about my mistakes.. yes allah sent u to me so that i'll be "istiqamah" for doing my responsibilities as a servant of allah.. and we met cuz allah knows u can always remind me and others about ad-deen..

whatever it is i 'll not forget you.. hmm you teach, guide n remind me about the purpose of sweet the jannah and how scary the hell which allah had created both for us..yup a lot of knowledge that u managed to share wif us...insya allah i'll never forget those precious knowledge..and i'm still learning..alhamdulillah..:))

p/s~ i hope allah will bless u more...and u always with His love..amiin

who am I

I’m just an ordinary girl,
I have nothing special for you to buy.

I know I don’t have anything,
but yet I claim I have everything.

I always fulfill my life with sins,
always transgressing bounds with defiant grins.

Before this I was just a tiny ball of flesh without bones,
but yet my heart is harder than stone.

But now, I have to realize that the truth is serene,
I have to wake up and smell the deen.

I have to stand firm, although standing is hard,
my life was a total ignorance before, but now this is my start.

I’m not a scholar or a preacher; I’m just a normal dude who makes mistakes too.
This is me, now :))