Friday, 20 January 2012

keep smiling =)

result final dah kuar.. alhamdulillah syukur sgt2 lulus.. tp still rasa sedeyh yelaa.. kalo bley smua org nk dpt A* kan hehe bila dpt A pun puas xpe effah, kita kan dh berserah kpd Allah.. so kita kene redha and teruskan berusaha =D 

btw, ak xde laa hepy sgt.. tp bersyukur sgt2.. igt lagi arwah abah slalu pesan kalo kita rs dugaan yg kita dpt nih sakit sgt ada org len yg lg besar dugaan Allah bg kat mereka.. so ak pun sedeyh skit je hehehe... "dont ask Allah to lighten the challence but ask Allah to give u strength to face the challence as best as you can "

my along and her hsbnd said~ dont think too much abt the long u pass, cuz at the end when u become a doctor..nobody will ask your grade during medical student but they will judge you tau wat keje ke x? tau amik darah ke x? tau intubate ke x? tau psg catheter ke x? see trust me..ur attitude tuh yg pntg.. with good attitude you will know how to apply ur knowledge rightly with ur skills.. hmm baiklah along n abg lan  =)

my mom said~ its ok..u passed the exam..more than enough effah.. as long u stdy..have that knowledge.. keep trying and seek as much knowledge you can my dear.. 

and my 2nd kezen said ~ well... setiap dari kite bukan diukur dari result kite..memang laa, x sepatut kite kate, 'asal lulus oke la', which mean kite mungkin kene berusaha lagi kuat lepas nih tp x bermaksud kite kene sedih sngat.. anggap nih satu ujian, Allah nak kasi kite yakin akhirnye yang bagi result bagus tu bukan sekadar atas semua usaha kita tapi Dia yang tentukan smuanye.. kita kan dah berserah pada Allah =) hmm walaupun ko ske sakat ak and kenekan ak..wat ak geramm jeee and sakit hati tp ko slalu bg smgt kat ak hahaha thank youuu.. sib baik time2 cmni kata2 ko sedap didengar kalo still menyakitkn ati mmg aa nak kenekan   =P

p/s~  ya Allah, aku sgt bersyukur ats rezeki yang Engkau kurniakan.. aku redha..dan jadikanlah ak seorg bakal doktor yg baik..mampu melaksanakan tggjwb ak sbg seorg doktor muslim sebaik mungkin kelak..ya Allah kurniakanlah petunjukMu..amiin =) hope dpt enjoy my holiday there ^__^...

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