well there are laughters and tears
along the way, and it's definitely a journey we shall cherish and
remember forever. We complete each other, don't we? sggtttt rindu zaman sekolah okeyh =D
doctor to be~ siti nasyitah abdul karim (chitah) |
chitah nih kwn tidur ak kat kelas..kenal dia since form 1 kat gerik sbb k.org classmate hehehe sib bk ko pun ske tdo dlm kelas sm cam ak.. skg ko dh jd medical student of mansoura university tuhhh hehe.. dlu k.org dua xlaa rapat sgt2 sbb dlu citah rapat ngn syaza.. dh besar2 nih br laa makin rapat mayb sbb k.org slalu cuti same, date same hahaha, amik course same so byk laa ley share, nk tau x pe yg plg same between two of us?? bila exam sure dua2 akn rs down n tension sgtt hahaha and ak igt lg ko ajar sal nerves kat forearm and hand =P
she is pharmacist to be ~ khairunnadiah ansore (k.N) |
kalo korg nk bli ubat ley laa bli kat farmasi kay ann hehehe.. dlu time skolah byk vocab baru k.org blaja dr k.N aa...hahaha bg nama gelaran kat org pun k.N mmg power hahaha smpi skg ak igt lg sape suh row kita lights off wahahahahahahahahahaha and satu lg word yg ak guna smpi skg "diamm aarr" =P and sgt ssh nk curi hati k.N nih.. i like her principle =) she is pharmacist to be
she is accountant to be
syaza nadhira abdul rahim (syaza) |
she is very determined.. dia xmkn nasi tuk kurus and she could make it..whoaaaaa dia dh kurus skg and makin cun...kalo nk kuar mane2 plg senang nk ajk teman, syaza laaa.. she is outgoing and very kind.. t khwn ngn hanif jgn lupa jemput ak =P she is accountant to be
she is radiologist to be
syazwa lyanna mohd khairul (nana)
kat gerik mmg plg rapat ngn nana laa..dlm bus pun duk same2 smua..mummy nana masak sedappp sgtttt.. sweet kan muka nana nih..sk tgk dia pki shawl hehehe.. nana nih sgt psycho ngn subject physiology... pdhl dia bley je wat..kalo ak plg psycho patho ngn microb laaa..she is a family lady... adik dia danish hensemmmmm (motiff)
physics lecturer to be ~nur amira hasnul hadi (myra) |
i am be dead bila myra tau ak letak pic dia yg nih..hahaha she is adventurous =D tapi hati dia lembut... kwn ssh sng kot.. dlu kat mrsm smpi ke matriks slalu xchange baju ngn dia haha dlu same laa saiz skg ak dh gemukkkk waaaaaa
veterinar to be ~ afiqah zainurin (afiqah) |
cam najwa latiff x? hehehe nih afiqah.. dak terror maths.. ak mati2 ingat ko amik medic rupa2nye animal medicine..hahaha animal lover laa katekan..ak ske share cecite ngn dia nih sbb she is a good listener hahaha slalu gak gaduh2 ngn dia =P
physics lecturer to be ~nur sahira mohd saad(syira) |
my ex-roomate dr form 1 smpi laa form 3.. roomate yg plg happening penah ak dpt w.pun slalu gak ad perselisihan fhm bese aa zaman budak2 kan hehehe.. dia nih suka decorate bilik...dlu bilik k.org sentiasa wangi hehehe.. dia sifat kekakakkan laa
engineer to be ~nurul izzati azman(zaty) |
zaty nih pun r.mate ak gak time kat gerik..kiranye MT23 tuh ak, syira, zaty..ssh gak nk jmp zaty pas hbs skolah...sbb dia further stdy kat utp..so cm agk jauh laa =P she is cute
accountant to be ~farah izyan nabila tajuddin (farah) |
farah nih nmpk je pendiam tp dia laa yg plg sengal.. hahaha ak kenal dia since kat smk darul ehsan..kenal 3bulan je..pas2 tgk-tgk jmp kat mrsm gerik blk hahaha jodoh k.org sgt laa kuat =P
engineeer to be ~puteri awani ahamed (awani) |
sports gurl hehe..she is runner.. haihhh cantik kan awani nih.. dia pun dh kurus byk dh.. she is so kind slalu ng tumpang kete SAGA hitam dia hehehe
accountant to be ~nabila mustapha (bel) |
bel, k.N, filza.. satu geng dlu mmg rapat laa 3org nih.. dlu kat mrsm bel nih penggemar clean&clear hehe dia ad satu set ko..dats y muka dia licin je bersih =).. bel mmg pro bwk kete..laju tuuee hehehe she is very polite..always use kita..awak during conversation with us =D sweet je kan hihihi kat uitm kalo stress slalu ajk bel tgk wyg..plus dia jenis yg xberkira sgt.. so mmg cool aa.. comel kan her nephew..haaa mama dia pandai wat kek..muffin.. sedappppp sgtttt ^__^
medical engineer to be ~hanis camelia (mel) |
org dia comel je..hehe skg mel dh hot..=D lama xjmp ko mel
accountant to be ~nursyallinda nordin (lynda) |
accountant to be ~filza atika (filza) yg tudung itam tu |
the rest...
halwa che rose (halwa), amirah ahmad taqiuddin (pisheng), toyyibah (toy), nursyafiqah abd rahman (iqa), rafidah ali (rafidah) sorry.. ak line streamyx quite bad lately xdpt nk upload 20 pics smua..sorryyyyy but kita still
kapak karat kan =D
p/s~ ya allah..rahmatilah kami smua ..kami
b'syukur kpdMu ats ksjhteraan persahabatan kami, di atas
cinta&keakraban yg mnyatukn kami, di atas hrpn yg kami nnt kn esk
ari, di atas kshtn,amanah&rzki.. di atas kebiruan
langit&kehijauan bumi,yg m'jdkn sgala keceriaan hidup kami, di atas
ksh ibubapa kami..syukur ya allah ats detik2 yg b'lalu..semoga t'pncr
kasih sepertinya nye..tumbuh sgr di hati kami..amiin
my kakak so cantik maa :DD